Building Scientist Retrotec Wilmington, North Carolina
One essential test that we do to evaluate a home's level of performance is the duct leakage test. This involves the use of a duct tester kit made up of a calibrated fan, 10” flex duct, and a two-channel manometer that attaches to the duct system to induce a target pressure of +/-25 Pa. However, not all duct systems are created equally, and the process varies depending on which stage of construction the test is being conducted. Join Sam Myers from Retrotec as he covers duct testing best practices in a variety of scenarios, including the rough-in stage of construction, testing zoned systems, existing homes, leakage to outdoors, and alternative ways to seal off supplies and returns. New technology for conducting tests and reporting will also be covered. This will include a full demonstration in the classroom. Join the discussion and bring your questions!
Learning Objectives:
By attending this session, attendees will:
Learn the relationship between duct leakage and home performance issues
Gain an understanding of duct tester mechanics
Witness a live demonstration of a duct leakage test