Diversity, equity, and inclusion are common buzzwords in the current social and professional landscape. Many people use them, but few can clearly articulate their similarities, differences, and relationships. This session will introduce participants to clear definitions of diversity, equity, and inclusion, and describe the importance of each to create a space where all people feel welcome. Participants will also learn about social identities, what they are, how to define them, and the influences of implicit bias. This interactive session will encourage participants to explore their own identities and how it influences the ways they interact with others in personal and professional settings. Participants will also learn a framework for having difficult conversations about diversity, equity, and inclusion and will learn how to integrate these practices into their personal and professional lives. This session is designed for beginners, but it is open to all experience levels, as there is always more to learn about how to better incorporate diversity, equity, and inclusion to transform the world around us.
Learning Objectives:
By attending this session, attendees will:
Learn to clearly define diversity, equity, and inclusion, and describe their similarities, differences, and the relationship between them
Learn about and describe social identities in their own words
Learn how to integrate diversity, equity, and inclusion into their personal and professional lives