Environmental Health Scientist Healthy Indoors Training and Consulting Lawrence, Kansas
In 2016, the Building Performance Institute developed the Healthy Home Evaluator (HHE) certification following formal ANSI procedures. Hundreds of professionals across the country hold this important credential. The need for certified people has grown exponentially with the increase in a wide array of new funding for all types of programs to support healthy home assessments and interventions.
In 2020 BPI introduced the Health Housing Principles (HHP) reference guide and certificate of knowledge exam to provide more comprehensive knowledge to professionals on healthy housing issues. New funding for other federal and state agencies has led to immediate need for certified educators and advocates who deal with health and safety in housing to have more understanding of how the healthy home concepts can provide a filter for informing occupants of potential health impacts in their homes.
During this session we’ll provide the latest information on the significant expansion of these two important certifications and on the huge opportunities for collaboration among a wide array of stakeholders in every community who traditionally have not worked together to solve health problems that may originate in the home environment and now should seek each other out to enhance the services they provide.
Learning Objectives:
By attending this session, attendees will:
describe the eight “Keep It” principles and how home professionals can employ them in their work with clients.
identify the key factors that can negatively impact the health and safety of building occupants.
explain how the two credentials compliment one another in providing basic understanding of the principles of healthy housing combined with a more advanced approach to assessing conditions in the home affecting occupant health.