Air Source Heat Pumps seem to be everywhere and are gaining popularity month after month and year after year. Along with this surge in purchases and increase in consumer interests comes questions about how and when our workforce will be ready to sell, install, commission, and educate around this technology. While there are many contractors already "in the loop," questions and considerations about what is different with installations in dry climates, such as the Dakotas, Colorado, Wyoming, and other high plains states vs mixed-humid climates such as Minnesota, Wisconsin, Michigan, Illinois, and Ohio. Dan and Jordyn will bring a lively discussion forward on what these key differences are and how we can shift our training and partnerships to align climate specific needs. Dan has been delivering heat pump trainings across the Northwest, the Upper Midwest, and nationally at a variety of conferences for years, while Jordyn brings to the table focused energy on industry partnerships and market transformation training around HVAC to Minnesota and beyond. Come prepared with questions and discussion topics to this fun and informative session.
Learning Objectives:
By attending this session, attendees will:
Understand what a cold climate is, what a dry climate is, and what a mixed-humid climate is
Speak to when we focus on sensible heat ratio and sensible heat fractions
Recognize what is new in Manual S for sizing in different climate zones