Polyurethane (PU) foam that is applied and cures in place to seal gaps in a building envelope can be a particularly effective tool for upgrading envelope airtightness and thermal performance in existing homes. At the same time, PU foams can be sensitive to environmental conditions, have inherent industrial hygiene concerns, and are available in many different product forms that complicate selection of which foam to use in specific applications. In this session, a polyurethane chemist will explain the fundamentals of how these foams work, how to use them safely, and provide practical tips on how to extract maximum value by leveraging the strengths of each product type.
In addition to providing background on more well-known PU foam products, new innovations in the PU foam space will be highlighted, including recent advancements in dispense technology, plus a review of new PU foam product categories in the marketplace that address common complaints with existing products. The presentation will highlight how these new products differ from those used historically, and practical suggestions how they can be incorporated into existing work processes to improve the speed and quality of retrofit air sealing jobs.
Learning Objectives:
By attending this session, attendees will:
List benefits and challenges of curing polyurethane foam products, as well as practical tips that can be applied in the field to maximize productivity and material efficiency
Understand the chemistry and various categories of curing polyurethane foam products, define and mitigate safety risks associated with these products, and identify new product innovations they can incorporate into their tool portfolio, such as sprayable single component foams recently launched by multiple manufacturers
Be able to identify the most high value locations to air seal with PU foam products and list the most effective foams to use in each location